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Welcome to the online partnering platform for the InterTradeIreland Horizon 2020 BBI JU North-South Information Session & Webinar which takes place on Friday 29 May 2020.
Registered delegates can request/book meetings on the following dates/times:
Friday 29 May from 14:00hrs - 16:00hrs (GMT/UTC+1)
Friday 5 June from 10:00hrs - 12:00hrs (GMT/UTC+1)
You should have received your login credentials for Meeting Mojo by email.
Check & Update Your Account Profile
Go to Login on the top right and enter your email and password.
Once logged in, you should check and edit/manage your account (menu on the left) as follows:
- Edit Organisation Name - if you would like to update your company details, add a company logo
- Edit Attendee Name - If you would like to add a photo of yourself (.jpg or .png, max. filesize 1Mb), change your password, email preference, areas of expertise, and answer the specific BBI JU partnering questions
We encourage those using the platform to populate your organisation and attendee profile as fully as possible, which should increase your matchmaking opportunities.
• Go to 'Schedule' to manage your availability - you can close any times you aren't available.
• Browse the site to view profiles, request private meetings and send messages to participating attendees. You will receive a system email every time a meeting is requested, confirmed or cancelled.
Holding Meetings
The Meeting Mojo platform will enable you to hold a video call via the platform when you are logged in, however you can arrange private meetings on alternative methods by mutual agreement.
Help and assistance on using the system is available by clicking on Getting Started - 1:1 Meetings and FAQ pages in the main menu.